Going where others can’t or won’t go, revolutionizing missions through modern technology, and being a refuge: that’s our vision in a nutshell. God has been zeroing in on being a refuge though. The lowly are so close God and the heart of God burns for souls. As a result, Christians in their deepest times of darkness are able to reach out farther than they have ever before.  I’ve seen it in my own life and even more frequently in the lives of others.

Only a few weeks ago, Andrew and I were doing street ministry. That’s when we met Godfrey and Harold. Godfrey was hanging outside the local bar, cigarette in hand, looked like he was ready to take on anyone coming his way. I remember staring at his black shadow in the night—pondering at one point if he needed to hear. It’s funny how reason can sometimes destroy opportunity. Based on his demeanor I thought- I’m not the one who can talk to him. Thankfully reason  doesn’t prevail over faith. Godfrey was a broken man with a wonderful calling. He had heard the voice of God and new it well, but the cares of the world had choked out Godfrey’s faith. That day he found himself disowned by his family, jobless and homeless. We spoke the word over his life for at least two hours. Confirming for the second time that week the Lord was with him, and wanted him back. Godfrey is attending our church and we believe with him that within three months he’ll be back on his feet with a job, a home and mending a his relationship with his family.

Toward the end of our conversation with Godfrey we stumbled upon Harold. Addicted to alcohol and drugs, Harold was happy to tell us today was the first day he made a trip to get clean. We encouraged and prayed for him, believing also that Harold will get into the program he is applying for… And be free from his addictions.

Several times people who haven’t slept well in months have stayed at our apartment and claimed they’ve had the best sleep they’ve had in a LONG time. A single mom, a former drug trafficker newly saved, a rocket scientist, God has been using us to bless them. Praying and worshipping edifying each other. A week ago, seventeen young men from a youth group had a retreat and stood at our home. We fed them, accommodated them, worshipped with them, prayed over them, and blessed them in the name of Jesus. Those young men pressed in and the Holy Spirit fell heavy that Friday evening.

I recall the book of Samuel when the prophet spoke to Saul “Although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become head over the tribes of Israel?” The passage reminds me of a God’s thematic way of using fools to astound the wise.

Andrew and I have sobbed on each other’s shoulders repeatedly, “Are we missionaries or are we just bums?” I found myself saying once.  We have been taken for a ride through a deep tunnel of vulnerability in almost every area of our lives lately. Still, we have to believe upon the word of God and not wisdom of man. My mentors once told me “Are you comfortable being so comfortable?” I’ve learned in life that when your heart, emotions and senses cause you to do or not do something the Word doesn’t confirm. Do the opposite. When your blood boils at a particular individual, bless them; when you are afraid because you don’t have enough, give; when you can’t open your mouth, start shouting from the roof tops…

I’ve revisited earlier areas of my life and walk lately for the sake of the people the Lord is bringing to us … Needing the grace to SEE where they are at, and meet them there. Subjects that are crucial to new believers- courtship, discipline, accountability. Sometimes I forget that I needed someone to disciple me; it would be an injustice to expect someone to figure it all out on their own.  Besides, new believers have the ability to teach us more than we could want to learn... It just takes the act of swallowing our pride, our talk, our wisdom and just listening. . .  

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