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Well, we've been home for about two weeks now and we miss the Congo every day. Often, Amethyst and I find ourselves re-living an experience or making a joke about something that happened. To say that the DRC captured our heart would be an understatement. 

We know there are needs all over the world and one geographical field isn't better than another. In fact there are probably other places that are more desperate and more in need. But, we're attracted to where God has called us. God has definitely affirmed that in our souls. 

There are so many stories to tell, testimonies to share and experiences to recap but here is our trip at a quick glance:
1. Over 150 people accepted Christ
2. Deathly ill, young IDP girl healed miraculously
3. Legitimate local contacts made
4. Personal financial breakthroughs for local contacts
5. Empowered an indigenous missionary to receive surgery
6. Women seminars have produced a sustained women's ministry 
in Goma
7. Over 50 orphans committed themselves to ministry
8. Over 80 pastors trained in a 3 day seminar on theology and 
community development
9. Prophecies came to pass in rural bush churches
10. Safety to and from the DRC

The Congo is the hardest place we've ever been in all of sub-Saharan Africa. As you have read in "The Congo is Different", the situation is difficult to understand and has many problems at every level but yet a great sense of hope is welling up. We know that God want's to bring healing back to the land this is evident in Scripture. (Ps 67, 2 Chron 7:14, Prov 14:34, etc.) Also, it is evident through what God has revealed to us.

In the midst of all the chaos and lack of stability, the Congolese know that it is only God who will bring a lasting change. They put their full hope and trust in God for their future and the future of Congo. It is a true testimony to their faith.

We believe that God is ready to move in the Congo. All it takes is a few passionate Congolese to rise up and win the prayer battle for the country and healing will come to the land. We could already see that a fire was being kindled but it just needs a catalyst of unity and then the Holy Spirit's fire will sweep over the land.

Please join is prayer for this to happen. Pray for revival to sweep across the land. Pray for healing.

We miss the Congo and God has affirmed and confirmed our call to be there. Even though we are home in the US, we can see that our home is where the heart is. It sounds cliche and it is, but it's true. We have a huge heart for the Congo and an apostolic passion is burning inside of us to return. It can't come soon enough.

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